Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Windows 2003 Service Pack failure

We were running into several of our 2003 installations that were not installing SP2 from the WSUS server. I tried to download directly from Microsoft's website thinking something was hosed on my WSUS copy. No luck. That was where the issue lay for a couple of weeks because I'm such a busy (lazy) guy I couldn't get around to fixing it.

Sometime later......after scouring google for the error message I was getting (0X8007f0f4), getting sent on a small goosechase, I finally found the answer. Some guy out there was getting the same error on a machine of his that was running with an ISCSI HBA. Apparently his ISCSI driver wasn't compatible with Service Pack 2. Ding....the light bulb turned on. We are running our machines with QLOGIC HBAs. I updated the driver and the update installed with no problems.

Move on to the next problem.


Unknown said...

Sorry about the goose-chase!

Travis @

PortcullisChain said...

Not a problem.....It actually seemed the reasonable thing that was the problem given the fact that I had locked the servers down with the MS tool.