Friday, February 22, 2008

SNMP nonsense

So I went to configure my switches with SNMPv3 and it didn't work.  After screwing with it for a while I backed off down to V2 and it still wasn't working, so I did what every responsible network administrator should do.  I panicked.  That led my brain to completely shut down any logic functions whatsoever.  I ripped out V2 and placed V1 communities in place.  Still nothing.  I brought in some MIB walkers.  It wouldn't access it.  I ripped out the V1 and put "public" and "private" back in.  Nothing.  I finally, after 24 wasted hours, gave up and called Enterasys tech support.  He couldn't figure it out either until he stumbled on the dumbest reason (IMHO) for a line of code to stop working.  See if you can figure it out

<My Version>
set snmp access {group name} security-model usm privacy exact read all write all notify all nonvolatile
set snmp group {group name} user {username} security-model usm
set snmp user {username} authentication {md5/sha} {auth password} privacy  {privacy password} nonvolatile

<Working Version>
set snmp access {group name} security-model usm privacy exact read All write All notify All nonvolatile
set snmp group {group name} user {username} security-model usm
set snmp user {username} authentication {md5/sha} {auth password} privacy  {privacy password} nonvolatile

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